Hey, you bums!

Got myself all ready to tie some cruelty-free flies while the snowflakes fell outside.  It all looked just like a Currier & Ives postcard, let me tell you.  Nice jazz on the radio, trusty merlot by my side...& then that woozly feeling that never means "Salut!"

Yep, I caught myself a cold.  Tried every catch & release trick in the world of fly fishing, & that blasted bug just hung right on.  It's been my shadow for a week now.

So, never one to let the grass grow under my feet, I've been stewing & brewing about launching a natural bath & skin care line just for you wonderful fellow trout  bums!  We'll get that underway, & it should be out by Spring Season Opener, if I have anything to say about it.

If you or your lady think you need anything in particular for spiffy skin, especially with the winter fishing & being out in all kinds of weather to bother those fish, you just drop me a line & let me know.  Now's the time to speak up, before I talk to my guys who do all the fancy stuff that makes my superior, pure recipes into something super special for all you avid anglers.

Stay well yourselves.  This bug-catching thing just isn't my cup of tea, let me tell you.  However, one of our writers at my little publishing outfit knows all kinds of handy healthy stuff, & she's got a great recipe for
this tea that clears out the noggin right away.  Be well, keep fishin', & get those flies all tied up for Spring Opener!

Tight lines to you...Cocoa
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    I'm a trout bum, for sure. 
    My experiences fly fishing are best summed up by that cool French gal, Sidonie Gabrielle Colette, "You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm."
    I've awarded myself the title of Most Enthusiastic Fish Botherer 2011.
    Tight lines to you...Cocoa


    January 2012

